Review policy

It is really important to me that the customer is always looked after, as a result I have a standard policy in place for any companies wanting to work with me. If you agree to the below and would like to work with me then please get in touch via the contact page.

  • My reviews are designed to be as honest as possible allowing viewers to make an informed decision. This may include both positive and negative points on any product that I review but I will always aim to keep it balanced.
  • Paid for positive reviews are not something I participate it. Products sent for free will receive the same honest and neutral approach as products I have purchased at the full retail price or discounted price.
  • Transparency is very import so your website and support communities will need to be available to me and potential customers. If you have something like geo-blocking on your website then please ensure it can be viewed from the UK. If your Facebook groups are private and I attempt to join them, please ensure I am accepted.
  • If products sent to me are found to be different to the ones being supplied to the general public, then this is likely to be covered in the video and the differences highlighted to give the viewer realistic expectations of what they will receive versus what you have sent me.
  • Where relevant I will follow any instructions or guidance provided. If I think something is wrong or could be improved in the instructions I will also highlight this during the video.
  • If issues are found during the review, I will do my best to resolve them before completing the review. This may include contacting the person or company who supplied the product but also reach out to related communities for help such as Facebook groups or other forums.
  • Whether issues are resolved or not, I may still cover them in the video as part of the review process.
  • A negative review or negative comments will not be grounds for the video to be taken down as it is in the viewers interest for it to be honest.
    • The exception to this is if my information is wrong or I have not followed any official guidelines and that has caused the issue relating to a negative point. In which case I will either update the description in the video reflect this, create a pinned post with updated information or if necessary, remove the video and upload a newly edit version with updated information.
  • I will not be held liable for any negative publicity, loss of sales, investment, etc. that comes from any review. It is the company’s responsibility to create a product that performs well against its competitors. If the product is not of sufficient quality, the review may reflect this.


I will always endeavour to review products a swiftly as I can but I have responsibilities outside of my YouTube channel as well as taking time off for holidays, illness or other reasons. My YouTube channel is also my hobby, it is not a full time commitment so the amount of hours I can spend in any given week may be limited. As a result I give the following guidance:

  • Typical timeframe for doing a machine review is 4-6weeks from receiving the item. A smaller product review usually take less than 4 weeks but this may depends on what else is going on within my workshop.
  • If parts are missing, if issue are found that require replacement parts or follow up advice, this will slow down the review.
  • My work space is limited so I will typically only review one machine at a time in order to ensure that they all have gone through a suitable review period. As a result I may not be able to start a review as soon as the package arrives. I will always aim to let you know this information before you ship the item.
  • Any deadline for a review needs to be requested upfront. I will always aim to hit the target date but it is not always possible to guarantee it.
  • You are welcome to contact me anytime during the review. I tend to respond to emails twice a week and will always give an update if required. If you are emailing me too frequently, please do not be offended if I don’t reply to them all or advise you to slow your emails down.

Ensuring fairness

I always aim to be fair, transparent and deliver a balanced review and this policy is in place to ensure that.

  • Where possible I will assess products individually and avoid comparing them to competitors.
  • If any comparisons are made, it will only be of products deemed to be similar in nature, cost and which I have experienced first hand.
  • Part of the review may include trying to push the machine to its limits for positive reasons. If there are limits that should not pushed such as speeds, these should be stated upfront or included in the user guides.
  • The price can be an important part of the review. If the price is referenced in the review it will be the price at the time I am recording based on what I can access.
  • Brand bias will not form part of the review.
  • Based on my experience of the product, I may suggest certain demographics I think the product is suitable for as part of the review.
  • My opinion is formed based on the experience from start to finish. This includes communications as well as the actual product.

Publishing and post-review

  • I will notify you when the video is expected to go live if not already agreed.
  • You are free to comment on and share the video as you see fit and use it in your promotional material. You may need individual permission though to use them on places such as Amazon.
    • If sharing or using the video, it should be the full, unedited version with all branding in place. If you need an edited or smaller version this should be requested.
  • I own and retain all rights to the video.
  • I occasionally give early access to my Patreons so they may see it before officially goes live.
  • Products sent to me for free become mine upon accepting the delivery. They are not seen to be loaned, leased or temporary exchange of any kind and cannot be requested to be returns after the review unless agreed upfront.
  • After the review has been completed, I can do with the product what I choose which may include, but not limited to, making follow up videos, using them for my own work, giving them away as part of a donation or competition.

Sending your products and proceeding with this review process, you are agreeing to all the terms presented here.